Is floating required to set a minimum width for responsive div elements?

Hey there, I'm currently facing an issue with a div that has this CSS style:

{background: purple; max-width: 800px; min-width: 300px; height: 200px; float: left;}

The problem is that it seems to be stuck at the minimum width (it works fine when I remove the float property).

Is this behavior normal for floats, or did I make a mistake somewhere in my code?

You can check out the JSFiddle here:

Answer №1

The anticipated behavior is as follows:
When a div element is not styled with any CSS rules, it will automatically take up 100% of the width as a block element.
However, if you decide to float the div, it will deviate from its original flow and adjust its width based on its content or specified min-width/max-width properties.

Therefore, there is no mistake in what you are doing.

Additionally, have you considered adding width:100% to your div style to see if it achieves the desired effect?

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