iOS is not recognizing the <a> tag but is instead honoring the :hover property

Within my list, I have a div element wrapped in an anchor tag. Here is an example of the code:

  <a href="">
    <div id="tease-info">
      <div class="inset-img-border fade"></div>
      <img src="/img/img.jpg">
      <div id="arrow-right-small"></div>
      <h4 class="title">E-mail Marketing</h4>
      <p class="title">Messaging That Pays</p>

In my CSS file, I have defined a hover effect for the 'tease-info' section. It looks like this:

  #tease-info:hover h4{
    color: rgb(191,69,164);

The issue arises on iOS devices. When I tap on the list item on my iPad, I see the grey overlay indicating the selection, along with the hover effect. But upon releasing the tap, the link does not redirect me and the hover effect persists.

It appears that the hover state is taking precedence over the anchor tag. What could be causing this behavior?

Answer №1

After finding a solution, I have successfully fixed the issue. Utilizing Modernizr, I came across a technique that recommended using the .touch and .no-touch classes to address the problem. This method is quite straightforward when dealing with the :hover event in CSS.

.ugcpost:hover .meta {display:block;} 
.touch .ugcpost:hover .meta {display:none;}

This effectively resolves the issue, but it's essential to ensure that the touch event is included in your Modernizr configuration. Another approach, especially if you are employing JS to manage hover effects, involves ensuring that the page follows the href link on a single touch/click. It's crucial to distinguish between an intentional click and accidental screen scrolling. The following JS code demonstrates this concept, leveraging Modernizr or checking the client's User Agent.

followPost : function(item) {
         $(item).on('touchend', function(e){
                location.href = $(item).attr('href');
             $(item).on('touchmove', function(e){
     initTouchEnhancements : function() {
        $('.collection a, .post a, .ugcpost a').live('touchstart', function() {
            var item = this

It's worth noting that this method relies on the 'on' and 'off' functions present in JQ 1.7 version. Special thanks to a helpful post that pointed out this crucial detail. Stop the touchstart performing too quick when scrolling

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