Introducing fresh background images for every MDlite card

Hello StackOverflow community! I am a long-time user and this is my first post. I need some help with adding two MDlite cards to my website, each with a different background image. However, I'm encountering an issue where the last-declared background image always shows for both cards. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Below is the complete code that you can copy into any browser to see the problem (apologies for the formatting, as I'm writing this from my phone):

                <!doctype html>

            <html lang="en">
                <meta charset="utf-8">
                <title>Website Title</title>
                <meta name="description" content="Percula Creative">
                <meta name="author" content="Percula Creative Author">
                <link href=",400" rel="stylesheet">
                <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
                <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
                <script defer src=""></script>  
                <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

            <!--[if IE]><link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico"><![endif]-->
                <link rel="icon" href="favicon.png">
                <!-- Uses a transparent header that draws on top of the layout's background -->
            .demo-layout-transparent {
              background: url('../assets/demos/transparent.jpg') center / cover;
            .demo-layout-transparent .mdl-layout__header,
            .demo-layout-transparent .mdl-layout__drawer-button {
              /* This background is dark, so we set text to white. Use 87% black instead if
                 your background is light. */
              color: white;

            <!-- Always shows a header, even in smaller screens. -->
            <div class="mdl-layout mdl-js-layout mdl-layout--fixed-header">
              <header class="mdl-layout__header">
                <div class="mdl-layout__header-row">
                  <!-- Title -->
            <a href="index.html" style="text-decoration: none; color:white" class="mdl-layout-title">Website Title</a>
                  <!-- Add spacer, to align navigation to the right -->
                  <div class="mdl-layout-spacer"></div>
                  <!-- Navigation. We hide it in small screens. -->
                  <nav class="mdl-navigation mdl-layout--large-screen-only">
                    <a class="mdl-navigation__link" href="apps.html">Apps</a>
                    <a class="mdl-navigation__link" href="">About</a>
                    <a class="mdl-navigation__link" href="">Contact</a>
              <div class="mdl-layout__drawer">
                <span class="mdl-layout-title">Website</span>
                <nav class="mdl-navigation">
                  <a class="mdl-navigation__link" href="">Apps</a>
                  <a class="mdl-navigation__link" href="">About</a>
                  <a class="mdl-navigation__link" href="">Contact</a>
              <main class="mdl-layout__content" style="background-color: #EEEEEE;">
                <div class="page-content" >

                    <div style="width:80%; max-width:780px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 16px">
            <!-- Wide card with share menu button --> <style> .demo-card-wide.mdl-card { width: 100%; } .demo-card-wide > .mdl-card__title { color: #fff; height: 176px; background: URL('') center / cover; } .demo-card-wide > .mdl-card__menu { color: #fff; } </style> 
            <div class="demo-card-wide mdl-card mdl-shadow--2dp""> 
            <div class="mdl-card__title"> 
            <h2 class="mdl-card__title-text"></h2> </div> 
            <div class="mdl-card__supporting-text">
            <p>Lorem Ipsum dolor1...</p>
            <div class="mdl-card__actions mdl-card--border"> 
            <a class="mdl-button mdl-button--colored mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect" href="">Download</a> 

            <div class="mdl-card__menu"> 
            <button class="mdl-button mdl-button--icon mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect"> 
            <i class="material-icons">share</i> 


                    <div style="width:80%; max-width:780px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 16px">
            <!-- Wide card with share menu button --> <style> .demo-card-wide.mdl-card { width: 100%; } .demo-card-wide > .mdl-card__title { color: #fff; height: 176px; background: URL('') center / cover; } .demo-card-wide > .mdl-card__menu { color: #fff; } </style> 
            <div class="demo-card-wide mdl-card mdl-shadow--2dp""> 
            <div class="mdl-card__title"> 
            <h2 class="mdl-card__title-text"></h2> </div> 
            <div class="mdl-card__supporting-text">
            <p>Lorem Ipsum dolor2...</p>
            <div class="mdl-card__actions mdl-card--border"> 
            <a class="mdl-button mdl-button--colored mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect" href="">Download</a> 

            <div class="mdl-card__menu"> 
            <button class="mdl-button mdl-button--icon mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect"> 
            <i class="material-icons">share</i> 




Answer №1

It seems that the issue is arising because the CSS code has been duplicated within the page, causing the second instance to override the first one. This results in both divs being affected by the same style rule instead of having individual backgrounds.

.demo-card-wide > .mdl-card__title { color: #fff; height: 176px; background: URL('') center / cover; } 

To fix this problem and have different background images for each div, you need to create separate rules for each div.

Here’s what you need to do:

1) Remove the entire second <style>...</style> block.

2) Assign a new class to the second div like this:

<div class="mdl-card__title second"> 

3) Add a new CSS rule to your first <style>...</style> block as follows:

.demo-card-wide > .mdl-card__title.second { color: #fff; height: 176px; background: URL('') center / cover; } 

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