Internet Explorer fails to display deep nested iFrames within jQuery UI tabs, keeping them hidden from view

My web application utilizes iframes to load different panels into view, with jQuery UI tabs used to switch between them. In a particular case, one iframe contains jQuery UI tabs, which in turn houses more iframes. And within one of those nested iframes, another iframe is employed to display additional software panels. While this setup generally functions well, there's an issue with Internet Explorer where the innermost iframe remains hidden when switching back to a specific tab after changing tabs. Strangely, performing actions like collapsing a neighboring panel, selecting other jQuery tabs, or adjusting CSS properties can bring the iframe back into view.

<DIV style="HEIGHT: 858px; WIDTH: 1680px">
    <IFRAME style="HEIGHT: 100%; WIDTH: 100%" src="..." frameBorder=0 scrolling=yes></IFRAME>

The inner iframe includes full HTML content (with <html> and <body> tags).

<div class="ui-tabs-panel">
    <iframe src="..."></iframe>

This appears to be a rare jQuery UI bug specific to Internet Explorer. I'm interested in finding a solution that doesn't involve modifying the jquery-ui.js file. If you have any suggestions on how to "jostle" the inner iframe back into view when switching jQuery UI tabs, please share your ideas.

Answer №1

Implementing this solution within your own "on tab select" event instead of the _toggle event in jquery-ui-1.9.2.custom.js should work just as effectively. Make sure to include the (event, ui) arguments in your function.

Navigate through the tab structure to reach the third level iframe and trigger a resize action. Interestingly, directly calling resize() on the iframe does not resolve the issue; however, modifying the height attribute (setting it to zero and then back to its original value) successfully addresses the problem.

tabSelected: function(event, ui) {
var toShow = ui.newPanel;
toShow.find('iframe').each(function () {
    var tabFrame = this;

    $(tabFrame).contents().find('iframe').each(function () {
        var workspaceFrame = this;

        $(workspaceFrame).contents().find('iframe').each(function () {
            var innerFrame = this;

            var myHeight = $(innerFrame).attr('height');
            $(innerFrame).attr('height', 0);
            $(innerFrame).attr('height', myHeight);

Although not mandatory, I find it helpful to assign the "this" keyword to local variables for improved code readability.

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