Interested in retrieving the dynamically changing value of LocalStorage

Hopefully I can articulate my issue clearly.

I am implementing a feature where CSS themes change upon button clicks. When a specific theme button is clicked, the corresponding classname is saved to LocalStorage. However, since the key and value in LocalStorage are constantly changing, I would like to retrieve whatever is currently set in LocalStorage after the click event, rather than a hardcoded value. My code uses jQuery for handling button clicks, and below is the snippet. Any assistance would be highly appreciated.


        localStorage.setItem('theme-dark', ['theme-dark']);

        localStorage.setItem('theme-light', ['theme-light']);

        localStorage.setItem('theme-beaker', ['theme-beaker']);

        localStorage.setItem('theme-outrun', ['theme-outrun']);

    var localItem = localStorage.getItem('theme-outrun');



Answer №1

Utilize a single key to designate various themes within the local storage


        localStorage.setItem('theme', ['theme-dark']);

        localStorage.setItem('theme', ['theme-light']);

        localStorage.setItem('theme', ['theme-beaker']);

        localStorage.setItem('theme', ['theme-outrun']);

    var localItem = localStorage.getItem('theme');



Answer №2

Utilize one key for both localstorage.setItem and getItem functions.


As a final step, execute the following code:

var localItem  = localStorage.getItem(Object.keys(localStorage)[0])


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