Interactive Text Transformation on Mouse Over

My goal is to create a sleek and clean Index page featuring a simple white background with text centered in the middle. The initial text will be:


Upon hovering the mouse, the text will transform into:


Additionally, I want to make sure that the second text is clickable and directly leads to the website.

Despite experimenting with various CSS codes, I have struggled to incorporate fade-in/fade-out effects and properly link the text to the site.

Answer №1

How to easily change visibility

Using CSS only

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
            text-align: center;
        .wrap:hover .state--off {
            display: block;
        .wrap:hover .state--on,
        .state--off {
            display: none;
    <a href="YourLinkGoesHere" class="wrap">
        <p class="state--on">ExampleStudio</p>
        <p class="state--off">NewSpaceStudio</p>

Adding fade effects using jQuery

A quick and simple way

(function($) {
  var toggleVisibility = function( domWrap, sClass ) {
    $Children = $( domWrap ).children();
    var $Hidden  = $Children.filter(':hidden'),
        $Visible = $Children.filter(':visible');
      $Visible.animate({opacity: 0})
        .css({display: 'block', opacity: 0})
        .animate({opacity: 1}, 'slow');
  $(function() { // document ready
      .mouseenter(function(){ toggleVisibility( this ) })
      .mouseleave(function(){ toggleVisibility( this ) })
    text-align: center;

.state--off {
    display: none;
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <a href="YourLinkGoesHere" class="wrap">
        <p class="state--on">ExampleStudio</p>
        <p class="state--off">NewSpaceStudio</p>

<script src=""></script>

Alternatively, you can use a library like:

Animate.css for CSS animations

Utilizing CSS animation with jQuery fallback

(function($) {

    // choose from and customize this script
    var sClassIn  = 'zoomIn',    // <- your string here //////////////////
        sClassOut = 'rotateOut'; // <- your string here //////////////////

    sClassIn  += ' animated';
    sClassOut += ' animated';

    var sAnimationEnd = (function() {
        var t,
            el = document.createElement('fakeelement'),
            animations = {
                'animation': 'animationend',
                'OAnimation': 'oAnimationEnd',
                'MozAnimation': 'animationend',
                'WebkitAnimation': 'webkitAnimationEnd'

        for (t in animations) {
            if ([t] !== undefined) {
                return animations[t];

    var toggleVisibility = function(domWrap, sClass) {
        $Children = $(domWrap).children();
        var $Hidden = $Children.filter(':hidden'),
            $Visible = $Children.filter(':visible');

        if (sAnimationEnd) { // modern browsers css animation
            var $Deferred = $.Deferred();
            $Visible.attr('class', sClassOut).one(
                function() {
                    $Visible.hide().attr('class', '');
                    $'class', sClassIn);
            return $Deferred.promise();
        } else { // fallback | js animation
            return $.when( $Visible.animate({ opacity: 0 }) ).then(function() {
                ${ opacity: 1 }, 'slow');


    $(function() { // document ready
            .mouseenter(function() { toggleVisibility(this) })
            .mouseleave(function() { toggleVisibility(this) })

.body, html {
    overflow: hidden;
    text-align: center;
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <link href="<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="8feee1e6e2eefbeaa1ecfcfccfbca1baa1bd">[email protected]</a>/animate.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <a href="YourLinkGoesHere" class="wrap">
        <p style="display:none">NewSpaceStudio</p>

    <script src=""></script>

Answer №2

Here is a way to achieve the desired result using only CSS and no JavaScript:

<style type="text/css>
.hover_text:after {
    content: attr(data-nothovertext);
.hover_text:hover:after {
    content: attr(data-hovertext);
.hover_text {
    text-align: center;

<a href="#link_to_your_url" class="hover_text" data-hovertext="UrbanSpaceEvent.Studio" data-nothovertext="USEStudio" ></a>


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