Interactive Material Icons with Hover Effects in CSS

I'm having trouble adding a hover effect to material icons in my code. Despite everything else looking good, the hover effect is not working as expected. Below is the code snippet I've been using:

import ManageAccountsIcon from '@mui/icons-material/ManageAccounts';
import NotificationsIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Notifications';
import HelpIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Help';

const iconStyle =
    "fontSize": "25px",
    "color": "grey",
    "borderRadius": "10%",
    "&:hover": { "color": "black" }
<HelpIcon style={iconStyle}/>
                <NotificationsIcon style={iconStyle}/>
                <ManageAccountsIcon style={iconStyle}/>

Answer №1

I finally cracked the code! Using the sx keyword instead of style did the trick. Here's the updated solution:

import ManageAccountsIcon from '@mui/icons-material/ManageAccounts';
import NotificationsIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Notifications';
import HelpIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Help';

const iconStyle =
    "fontSize": "25px",
    "color": "grey",
    "borderRadius": "10%",
    "&:hover": { "color": "black" }
<HelpIcon sx={iconStyle}/>
<NotificationsIcon sx={iconStyle}/>
<ManageAccountsIcon sx={iconStyle}/>

Answer №2

Utilizing pseudoselectors (&:hover) within inline styles is not possible. This restriction does not stem from React or Material UI, but rather it is inherent to CSS.

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