IntelliSense in VS Code is unable to recognize CSS files

I'm currently in the process of creating a React application, however, I've encountered an issue where importing a .css file doesn't prompt vscode to display the file in the intellisense feature.

It's unclear whether this problem lies with vs code itself or within my webpack configuration.

If you believe that examining the webpack config file is crucial in solving this issue, I am more than happy to provide it in the question.


Interestingly, when including a .js or .jsx file, they are recognized as expected. However, the same does not apply to .css files.

No special extensions are being used for the paths at the moment.

Answer №1

Need help with path completion in VS Code for various file types? Check out the helpful Path Autocomplete extension to streamline your workflow.

Answer №2

Maximize your coding efficiency with the Path Intellisense Extension in Visual Studio Code

Enhance your workflow here

Answer №3

The extension christian-kohler.path-intellisense is performing admirably in suggesting path completions for .css files

To enhance its performance, simply deactivate the default path auto-complete feature in the settings

{ "typescript.suggest.paths": false }
{ "javascript.suggest.paths": false }

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