Instructions on adding a solid border color to a circular div using CSS

Hey there!

I'm curious, is it possible to style a straight border color on a rounded div using CSS? Here I have some basic Tailwind CSS code.

<div class="rounded-2xl w-72 h-20 border-l-4 border-l-yellow-500">

In the code above, I've managed to create a left yellow border which looks good. However, when applying rounded-2xl, the border appears curved from the inside. Is there a way to achieve a straight-line border while still keeping the rounded shape of the div?

Apologies for any language mistakes :)

Answer №1

To create a border, simply apply it to the containing element.

<div class="container-element w-72 h-20 border-l-4 border-l-yellow-500">
   <div class="rounded-2xl">

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