Instructions for connecting a button and an input field

How can I connect a button to an input field? My goal is to make it so that when the button is clicked, the content of the text field is added to an array (displayed below)

const userTags = [];
function addTags(event) {
   userTags.push( what should I use here to retrieve the input data? __)

   Tags: <input type="text" name="todoTags"/> <button>Create new tag</button>

Once more, I am attempting to establish a connection between the button and the input field so that clicking the button will capture the input field data and append it to the 'userTag' array using the addTags() function.

Answer №1

To access the label in your callback function, utilize the event target by using

const parent ='label')
. Then, employ querySelector() to retrieve the input element nested under this label tag with
const input = parent.querySelector('input')
. Next, store the input's value in a variable like const inputValue = input.value, and proceed to add this value to your array.

Your callback function should be placed within an event listener for click events.

const btn = document.querySelector('.btn')
const userTags = []

function getValue(e) {
  const parent ='label')
  const input = parent.querySelector('input')
  const inputValue = input.value
  if (inputValue !== "") {

btn.addEventListener('click', getValue)
   Tags: <input type="text" name="todoTags"/> <button class="btn">Create new tag</button>

Answer №2

let valueArray = []
function storeValue(){
let data = document.getElementById("input").value
document.getElementById("Output").innerHTML = valueArray
<input type="text" id="input">
<button onclick="storeValue()">Save</button>
<div id="Output"></div>

Access the element using document.getElementById and retrieve its value

document.getElementById("Enter ID Here").value

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