Instructions for adding transitions to an entire page in material-ui while maintaining a fixed AppBar

Is there a way to ensure that the material-ui AppBar remains fixed at the top while being wrapped with page contents in a transition? I want the AppBar to transition (e.g. Zoom or Slide) along with the rest of the page contents.

I encountered this issue when attempting to use the material-ui Dialog component in fullScreen mode. When the page content is tall enough to create a scrollbar, the AppBar within the Dialog scrolls off the page, despite having its position set to fixed.

To replicate the problem, click here ( and open the FULLSCREEN DIALOG, then scroll down. Alternatively, visit this link ( and scroll down. How can I prevent the AppBar from scrolling and keep it at the top?

A possible workaround could involve conditionally rendering an AppBar during the transition, hiding it once the transition is complete, and showing another outside the transition. However, this solution seems like a hack.

I am willing to utilize an npm module that facilitates smooth page transitions.

I came across a solution with a pre-v1 version of Material-Ui here (, but I'm looking for something compatible with > v1 if feasible.

Although it appears promising, this resource mentions incomplete support for React Router v4. (however, it might be compatible enough

For more information, refer to

Answer №1

If you're facing a scenario where you need to use react-router, here's an example of how you can address it:

For instance:

 <div className={classes.root}>
  <AppBar position="static" color="default">
      <Tab label="Item One" component={Link} to="/one" />
      <Tab label="Item Two" component={Link} to="/two" />

    <Route path="/one" component={PageShell(ItemOne)} />
    <Route path="/two" component={PageShell(ItemTwo)} />

In this setup, the appbar remains fixed at the top while the other pages change based on the route.

To add transitions with routes, I've utilized react-addons-css-transition-group, which is explained in detail in this article:

You can also find the animation index.css file in the demo for reference.

To streamline routing, I've wrapped pages in a HOC (PageShell component).

Feel free to check out a live example here:

I hope this meets your requirements!

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