Insert notes into the div employing only vanilla JavaScript

Is there a way to dynamically add comments to a div element using JavaScript or jQuery without reloading the page?

Here is an example scenario:

Suppose I have a form:

<form action="#" id="create" method="post">

    <legend><strong>Add your comment</strong></legend>

        <label for="author">Name <abbr title="Required">*</abbr></label>
        <input name="author" id="author" value=""
        required="required" aria-required="true"
        pattern="^([- wdu00c0-u024f]+)$"
        title="Your name"
        type="text" spellcheck="false" size="20" />

        <label for="email">Email <abbr title="Required">*</abbr></label>
        <input name="email" id="email" value=""
        required="required" aria-required="true"
        title="Your email address"
        type="text" spellcheck="false" size="30" />

        <label for="text">Comment <abbr title="Required">*</abbr></label>
        <textarea name="text" id="text"
        required="required" aria-required="true"
        title="Your comment"
        spellcheck="true" cols="40" rows="10"></textarea>


    <button name="preview" type="submit">Preview</button>
    <button name="save" type="submit">Submit Comment</button>



<div id="comments"></div>

In this case, I want to submit the form and add the content of the textarea to the div element next to the form without refreshing the page.

Any suggestions on how to achieve this functionality?

Answer №1

When working with JavaScript directly:

document.getElementById('messages').innerHTML = 'Message delivered!';

If using jQuery library:

$('#messages').html('Message delivered!');

Answer №2

Insert the following javascript function into the webpage's code:

 function displayMessage()
   document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = document.getElementById("inputText").value;

Invoke this function when the "Click Here" button is clicked:

<button name="submit" type="button" onclick="displayMessage()">Click Here</button>

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