Consolidate all CSS links into a single line

Within my HTML document, I currently have the following CSS links:


<link href=",300i,400,400i,500,500i,700,700i"
<link href=""
<link rel="stylesheet"
<link rel="stylesheet"
<link href=""

Can these individual link tags be consolidated into a single one for easier management?

Answer №1

To designate it as the chosen solution.

Visit this webpage and you will discover all the necessary information.

Brief summary of the linked content

<style type="text/css">
    @import url("main.css");

In the file named main.css, you will find:

@import "file1.css";
@import "file2.css";
@import "file3.css";
@import "file4.css";
@import "file5.css";

These are the filenames provided.

Answer №2

One way to include external styles in your main css file is by using the @import statement. It's worth noting that this method may not be compatible with FontAwesome.

Additionally, it seems like you are importing the 'Roboto' font family and FontAwesome multiple times. Is there a specific reason for doing so?

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