Inquiries for Web-Based Applications

As I contemplate coding my very first webapp, I must admit that my skills are somewhere between beginner and intermediate in html, css, js, jquery, node, sql, and mongodb.

However, the challenge lies in not knowing how to bring my vision to life.

My ultimate goal is to create a responsive single-page website that retrieves stock prices from an API and displays them on individual cards. Additionally, users should be able to click a plus button to add another card displaying a stock index they have chosen from a form option.

So now, I have several questions:

  1. Should I consider using a JavaScript framework like React or Vue to achieve this goal? If so, how do I go about it?
  2. I have successfully coded the API request in Node.js and can retrieve and display the data in the console log. How can I display this data on my HTML page?
  3. How can I dynamically create these cards and have them automatically added to the homepage?
  4. Is there a way to save data for each individual card without requiring a login process?

I understand that these are basic questions, but I am eager to learn how to accomplish them.

Please refer to the images below.


Answer №1

  1. Utilize your current skills to reach your objectives and only turn to specific frameworks like React when necessary. Understanding the inner workings of these tools is crucial before fully relying on them for development tasks.
  2. In order to send API data from Node.js to a web client, consider implementing an HTTP framework such as Express.
  3. If you are discussing component-based libraries and working with card data in JSON format, it may be advantageous to render the page with this data. For database-persisted content, server-side rendering using technologies like Node could be beneficial.
  4. For a straightforward approach, store information locally using features like localStorage or indexeddb. If server-side storage is required, establish user identification mechanisms to securely save data.

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