input the css content into the directive

Can the content of a CSS class be used in a directive to display different icons from FontAwesome?


 <div class="modal-tooltip" tabindex="-1">
        <span class="CSS-CLASS-I-WANT-TO-PASS-IN"></span>
        <div class="tooltip-body">
            <span ng-transclude></span>


restrict = "E";
        scope = {
            alignment: "@"

        template = Templates.toolTip;
        transclude = true;
        controller = ["$scope", ($scope) => {



content: "\f059";

Answer №1

If you want to add FontAwesome classes to your custom directive, simply pass the class as a parameter to customize the template.

For instance, in this snippet, the FontAwesome class is specified using the icon attribute.

<custom-button icon="fa fa-twitter"> Twitter </custom-button>

This value is then taken by the directive and applied to the <span> element within it.

app.directive('customButton', function() {
        return {
           restrict: 'E',
           transclude: true,
           scope: {
              icon: '@'
           template: "<button>" +
                        "<span class={{icon}}>" +
                        "</span>" + 
                        "<strong ng-transclude>" +
                        "</strong>" +

You can see this in action with my example on JSFiddle:

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