influence the order in which dom elements are loaded when the site is loaded

I am seeking advice on how to control the loading sequence of elements in my website. The issue I am facing involves a curtain effect (a <div> with a background-image) overlaying my site, which triggers an animation function to remove it once the page has loaded. However, some elements load faster than the background image, causing them to be visible behind the curtain upon entering the site.

The structure of my markup is as follows:

   <div id="curtain"></div>
   <!-- followed by other elements -->

Despite placing the curtain div at the beginning of the body, it does not solve the problem.

How can I ensure that #curtain loads first before any other elements, preventing them from being displayed prematurely?

Thank you

Answer №1

Begin by enclosing all other elements within a parent container, which can be hidden by default using JavaScript. It is important to implement this using JavaScript as opposed to CSS, as individuals with JavaScript disabled may not see the content otherwise.

Subsequently, you can utilize JavaScript once more to establish a timeout for when the curtain disappears from view or opt for a more secure approach, such as verifying if the image has loaded before triggering your animation function.

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