I've successfully implemented auto-numbered lines in a table using the following CSS:
/* Set the Serial counter to 0 */
{ counter-reset: Serial; }
/* Set the serial number counter to 0 */
.css-serial {
counter-reset: serial-number; }
/* Increment the serial number counter */
.css-serial td:first-child:before {
counter-increment: serial-number;
/* Display the counter */
content: counter(serial-number); }
<a href="http://www.phoenixcomm.net/~harrison/tmp/questions/Code1.207-05-16.html">Link to my table code</a><br>
<img src="https://i.sstatic.net/NNL2n.png"></a><br>
The numbering works perfectly, but I encounter an issue when it comes to one of the separators, as seen in items #7 and #10. How can I prevent it from numbering the separator?
<tr><_td colspan=2><HR 30%></td></tr>