increased space between tables in HTML email design for optimal display in Gmail inbox

Here is the link to my code:

I am experiencing an issue in Gmail where there is extra white space between 2 tables inside the same cell. I have attempted using

display:block;  margin:0; padding:0; line-height:0;

However, the problem persists.

Are there any solutions or fixes for this?

Answer №1

To achieve the desired effect, consider applying style="display:block" to the image tag. And remember, it's important not to neglect applying it to the spacer image as well if you're utilizing one.

Answer №2

Designing HTML emails can be quite challenging.

Here are a few suggestions:

border-spacing:0; /*try using this to fix any issues with spacing*/

To ensure that this style is applied to all tables in your email, it's best to include it in a <style> block at the beginning like this:

    table {border-spacing: 0;}

(apologies for the messy formatting, sometimes code doesn't display correctly across multiple lines)

Answer №3

Although it may not be the exact solution you were expecting, consider this alternative approach...
Try removing the spacer (spacer.gif) to eliminate large gaps in a responsive email. Embedding images into individual cells per row can help display them as blocks.
I found this method to be effective in my own situation and hope it provides some assistance.
One cell per row:

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
            <img src="image.jpg" width="600" height="300" />

Answer №4

To adjust the line spacing in your email, simply include style="line-height:50%" within the <table> tag. If you notice that this affects the text's line heights, you can remedy this by adding style="line-height:100%" to the <td> containing the text.

Answer №5

It may sound crazy, but I once faced a similar issue and it turned out that the problem was with the structure of my code. Surprisingly, formatting my HTML by nesting tds caused Gmail to add new tds with br tags inside.

It took me some time to figure out that converting the email header and footer code to text before appending it was causing the issue.

If you're following the same method, I would recommend "minifying" your HTML.

Instead of:




As unpleasant as it may appear.

Answer №6

display:block was effective in fixing the spacing issue between my body and footer, but unfortunately it didn't have the same impact on my header. I tried other solutions without success as well. Even though this thread is old, if anyone comes across it and still needs help, here's what worked for me:

Simply add

style="line-height:1px; font-size:0.0em;"
to the <td> tag that surrounds your header table.

You may need to experiment with different tags to find the right one, but this could be another possible solution to explore.

Answer №7

In addition to including display:block for your img, be sure to also add

cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"
for your table. It is crucial not to overlook applying this to the surrounding table as well.


Answer №8

I've observed that the header and body content are actually tables within another cell. Have you considered separating the header and body and placing them on their own rows?

Here is a suggested structure:

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
       <!-- Header table -->

       <!-- Body table -->

Additionally, I recommend avoiding the <center> tag for centering elements. Instead, when working with table cells, use align="center". This concept can be applied to the entire table as well by setting the align property to center.

Answer №9

just insert the following CSS code:

border-collapse: collapse;

this should resolve any issues you are experiencing

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