Incorporating personalized CSS and JavaScript into Shopify

Currently, my project involves integrating vertical tabs into a Shopify page that is utilizing the 'Atlantic' theme. Since this particular theme doesn't come with vertical tabs built-in, I have incorporated external JS and CSS files known as "jquery-jvert-tabs."

I am seeking guidance on how to properly upload these JS and CSS files as assets and link them to the specific page where I intend to implement the vertical tabs. Additionally, I am curious about the best approach for incorporating these elements while also considering any existing style elements present on the page.

Answer №1

To add your filename.js file, simply upload it to the designated assets folder.

After that, insert the following snippet into the theme.liquid file's head section:

{{ 'filename.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}

Don't forget to rename your file and include a .liquid extension


Best of luck!

Answer №2

It seems like the solution you need is the asset_url filter.

To add a JavaScript file to a .liquid file, simply use:

{{ 'script.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}

For a CSS file:

{{ 'style.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}

Answer №3

To avoid cluttering the global namespace, it is possible to confine JavaScript or CSS to specific areas.

Shopify employs a straightforward if statement in conjunction with the page's handle (e.g. for - "bar" serves as the handle).

{% if page.handle == "bar" %}
    {{ 'your_custom_javascript.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
    {{ 'your_custom_css.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{% endif %} 

This method proves particularly beneficial when implementing minor alterations on select pages.

Answer №4

To avoid issues with JS files on Shopify, it is recommended not to use the "Create a blank file" option in the platform. Instead, save your JavaScript file locally as .js (not .js.liquid) and then upload it to the assets folder.

After uploading, you can easily reference the file in the theme.liquid head section using the following code:

{{ 'filename.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}

Background Information:

Shopify tends to set the MIME type to text/x-liquid for new files, especially if liquid is used in the theme, regardless of the actual file extension. This could lead to browser errors like the one seen in Chrome:

Refused to apply style from ... because its MIME type ('text/x-liquid') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled

Answer №5

Take a look at the theme.liquid file to see how the css and js files are included, and then add your own accordingly. Make sure to upload your custom file to the assets folder.How to Add CSS And JS Check out the attached image for reference.

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