Incorporating a cookie to enhance the style switch functionality of

I need help adding functionality to a single button on my site. My goal is to switch the style of the site to a high contrast version when the button is clicked (by appending the high_contrast.css stylesheet to the head). Currently, my code only changes the style for the current page and reverts back to the default style when navigating to another page. I believe the issue lies in me setting the variable highContrast every time. I would like to incorporate the query cookie plugin ( but am unsure how to implement it in this scenario.

This is the HTML

<div id="contrast-btn"><a href="#" rel="css/high-contrast.css">high contrast</a></div>

This is the script

    var highContrast = false;
    $("#contrast-btn a").click(function () {
        if (!(highContrast)) {
            $('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/high-contrast.css" type="text/css" id="hc_stylesheet"/>');
            highContrast = true;
        else {
            // remove the high-contrast style
            highContrast = false;

Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

To access and modify the value, you must use the cookie method:

// Function to add stylesheet
function appendStyleSheet() {
  $('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/high-contrast.css" type="text/css" id="hc_stylesheet"/>'); 
// Add the style sheet if the cookie is set to true
if ($.cookie('high_contrast') == 'true') {
$("#contrast-btn a").click(function () {
    if ($.cookie('high_contrast') != 'true') {

        $.cookie('high_contrast', 'true'); // Set cookie to true
    else {
        // Remove high-contrast style
        $.cookie('high_contrast', 'false');

You can customize the cookie by setting options such as expiration date or domain-wide validity. For example, to make the cookie valid for a year:

$.cookie('high_contrast', 'false', {expires: 365});

If you want it to be valid across your entire domain, specify the path as '/':

$.cookie('high_contrast', 'false', {path: '/'});

Answer №2

To simplify your code, you can define the highContrast variable within the global context for future reference on the same page:

var highContrast = false;
    // [...]
    highContrast = true;
    // [...]

However, this value will be reset on each page refresh. To address this, you can utilize cookies with the help of the jquery-cookie plugin:

$.cookie('highContrast', 'true', { path: '/' });

Retrieve and check the cookie value on page load:

if ($.cookie('highContrast') && $.cookie('highContrast') === "true") {};

By setting path = '/', the cookie will remain accessible across the entire domain.

With these adjustments, your code would look like this:

    // Add the stylesheet when the page loads
    if ($.cookie('highContrast') === "true") {
        $('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/high-contrast.css" type="text/css" id="hc_stylesheet"/>');
    // Implement a click handler to toggle the stylesheet
    $("#contrast-btn a").click(function () {
        if (!(($.cookie('highContrast') === "true"))) {
            $('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/high-contrast.css" type="text/css" id="hc_stylesheet"/>');
        else {
            // Remove the high-contrast style

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