Incomplete test on position fixed in Modernizr

Although Modernizr is a valuable tool, the example test for position: fixed has some shortcomings:

  • iOS 4 and below return true, even though they do not actually support position: fixed
  • Opera on Windows returns false, despite its support for position: fixed

I came across an alternative test that builds on the Modernizr test but includes iOS detection: However, this test may not be future-proof as iOS 5 will support position: fixed.

Is there a way to accurately test for position: fixed in iOS without resorting to browser sniffing?

// Test for position:fixed support
Modernizr.addTest('positionfixed', function () {
    var test  = document.createElement('div'),
      control = test.cloneNode(false),
         fake = false,
         root = document.body || (function () {
            fake = true;
            return document.documentElement.appendChild(document.createElement('body'));

   var oldCssText =; = 'padding:0;margin:0'; = 'position:fixed;top:42px';

   var ret = test.offsetTop !== control.offsetTop;

   root.removeChild(control); = oldCssText;

   if (fake) {

   return ret;

Answer №1

The test I created for iOS can be found at the following link:

Although a bit messy, it appears to be functioning properly. However, Android poses an issue due to its use of "fake" position:fixed.

Answer №2

After some experimenting, I've discovered that adding in a few hacks is necessary to make a positionFixed test function properly. One hack I implemented checks for iOS devices running version 5 or higher:

/*iPhone/iPad Hack*/
if(navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad|iPhone|iPod/) !== null){
    /*Check if device runs iOS 5 or higher*/
    isSupported = navigator.userAgent.match(/[5-9]_[0-9]/) !== null;

While I'm not entirely convinced of the cleanliness of this code, it gets the job done in my case.

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