Incomplete filling of the SVG element is observed

Trying to animate SVG text to display only the outer stroke of each letter initially, followed by filling the interior with color. However, after the animation finishes, there are unfilled spaces left. Is there a property that can be applied to the SVG or paths to completely fill the inside of each letter without increasing the stroke thickness? (In order to maintain the initial appearance of the animation) See example below:

<svg id="testSVG" width="312" height="219" viewBox="0 0 312 219" fill="none" xmlns="">
    <mask id="path-1-outside-1" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0.632004" y="0.312012" width="311" height="219" fill="black">
    <rect fill="white" x="0.632004" y="0.312012" width="311" height="219"/>
    <path d="M13.152 52H6.896V3.31201H13.152V24.188H37.496V3.31201H43.752V52H37.496V30.036H13.152V52Z"/>
    </* more paths here */>
#testSVG path:nth-child(2) {
    stroke-dasharray: 256.77;
    stroke-dashoffset: 256.7679443359375;
    animation: svgfill 1s ease forwards;

#testSVG path:nth-child(3) {
    stroke-dasharray: 236.68453979492188;
    stroke-dashoffset: 236.68453979492188;
    animation: svgfill 1s ease forwards;

/* remaining CSS code */

@keyframes svgfill {
    to {
        fill: white;

Answer №1

Here is an innovative approach that involves creating a white version of your shape overlaying the original, which is then gradually eroded away. While it may not be as seamless as your method, it offers improvements in certain aspects.

<svg id="testSVG" width="312" height="219" viewBox="0 0 312 219" fill="none" xmlns="">
        <filter id="erode-animate">
          <feMorphology radius="0" operator="erode">
            <animate attributeName="radius" from="0" to="5" by="0.2" dur="1s" fill="freeze"/>
        <path d="M13.152 52H6.896V3.31201H13.152V24.188H37.496V3.31201H43.752V52H37.496V30.036H13.152V52Z" stroke="#D97E9F" stroke-width="2" fill="#D97E9F" />
<path d="M71.1932 10.996L63.2372 32.96H79.4212L71.4652 10.996H71.1932ZM56.3692 52H49.4332L67.7932 3.31201H74.8652L93.2252 52H86.2892L81.5972 38.808H61.1292L56.3692 52Z" fill="#D97E9F" stroke="#D97E9F" stroke-width="2"/>
<path d="M105.191 32.28V52H98.9351V3.31201H115.527C119.743 3.31201 123.324 4.71734 126.271 7.52801C129.263 10.3387 130.759 13.7613 130.759 17.796C130.759 21.9213 129.263 25.3667 126.271 28.132C123.37 30.8973 119.788 32.28 115.527 32.28H105.191ZM105.191 9.29601V26.296H115.663C118.156 26.296 120.219 25.4573 121.851 23.78C123.528 22.1027 124.367 20...
<path d="M192.206 29.356V52H185.95V29.356L169.562 3.31201H176.906L188.942 23.1H189.214L200.978 3.31201H208.322L192.206 29.356Z" fill="#D97E9F" stroke="#D97E9F" stroke-width="2"/>
<g filter="url(#erode-animate)">
<path d="M13.152 52H6.896V3.31201H13.152V24.188H37.496V3.31201H43.752V52H37.496V30.036H13.152V52Z" fill="white" />
<path d="M71.1932 10.996L63.2372 32.96H79.4212L71.4652 10.996H71.1932ZM56.3692 52H49.4332L67.7932 3.31201H74.8652L93.2252 52H86.2892L81.5972 38.808H61.1292L56.3692 52Z" fill="white"/>
<path d="M105.191 32.28V52H98.9351V3.31201H115.527C119.743 3.31201 123.324 4.71734 126.271 7.52801C129.263 10.3387 130.759 13.7613 130.759 17.796C130.759 21.9213 129.263 25.3667 126.271 28.132C123.37 30.8973 119.788 32.28 115...
<path d="M192.206 29.356V52H185.95V29.356L169.562 3.31201H176.906L188.942 23.1H189.214L200.978 3.31201H208.322L192.206 29.356Z" fill="white"/>

Answer №2

To improve code readability and ease of debugging, consider simplifying and commenting on the code as much as possible. Here are some potential strategies:

  • Replicate paths with no stroke and then fill them
  • Use CSS to animate the filling directly
  • Group each letter for improved organization

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