CSS - text featuring a gentle shadow hue and a deeper foreground color

I'm encountering an aesthetic issue where my list of texts have random light/bright colors, making them hard to read on white backgrounds. I've tried setting the text color to shadow, but now I want the text itself to be a darker, more readable color while still maintaining a similar hue to the main light color.

However, adjusting the brightness or using a lower alpha with a black color makes the text appear too greyish for my liking. I am looking for a solution that allows the text to become more saturated as it gets darker, ensuring that the main color remains visible:


Is there a CSS blend mode or formula available that can help me achieve one of these desired outcomes?

Answer №1

By utilizing the css functions brightness(0.6) and contrast(200%), I was able to successfully achieve the desired effect. While both values can be altered, I recommend adjusting the brightness alone in order to control the darkness of the text. The contrast value already provides a pleasing color to the darkened text.

Answer №2

I comprehend the requirements you have, however, achieving it efficiently solely with CSS may not be possible. I recommend utilizing Sass .scss along with the following code snippets:

$primary-color: #444;

// define text color function
@function set-text-color($color){
    @if (lightness($color) > 40){
        @retrun #000;
        @retrun #fff;

/* The above function will 
return black if the primary color is light and 
return white if the primary color is dark */

    background: $primary-color;
    color: set-text-color($primary-color);

In this snippet, your primary color represents your basic text color. You have the flexibility to customize the function to return a similar color but in a darker or lighter shade based on your design needs.

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