Including Vuetify in my project has triggered a SecurityError, specifically relating to the CSSStyleSheet.cssRules getter being restricted from accessing cross-origin stylesheets

Looking to create a Vue application that opens a CKEditor component in a separate window, I managed to do so following the method outlined in this helpful post. I have even set up a Codesandbox demonstration to showcase the functioning example.

However, upon adding Vuetify as a dependency via vue add vuetify, the CKEditor window loses its CSS styling and I encounter a CORS error in the browser console (in Chrome or Firefox) that reads:

[Vue warn]: Error in callback for watcher "open": "SecurityError: CSSStyleSheet.cssRules getter: Not allowed to access cross-origin stylesheet"

(Regrettably, I faced issues while trying to add Vuetify dependencies to my Codesandbox - it resulted in a compilation error whenever I attempted to include them.)

Answer №1

Upon further examination, it was discovered that Vuetify includes two links to external style sheets:

<link rel="stylesheet" href=",300,400,500,700,900">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

When the function is called, the copyStyles() function is used to transfer all CSS to the new window. However, due to the presence of the two external CSS references, the document.stylesheet.cssrules.get() function fails with a CORS error. Since these references are at the beginning of all stylesheets, the copyStyles() function stops executing and the new window is left without any styles.

To resolve this issue and ensure that the other stylesheets are included in the new window, a simple try/catch block can be added to the copyStyles() function.

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