Include a class for CSS styling in EJS using Node.js

Attention: Please be aware of the environment in this Application. The following technologies are being used:

  1. Windows
  2. NPM, Express
  3. MySQL

This is the code in an ejs template called example.ejs

<% if (message) { %>
                <p class="alert " id="errorMessage">
                    <%= message %>
            <% } %>

I am trying to add a class to the p element.

This is what I have attempted so far but it hasn't worked.

messages = "Password Successfully Changed";
res.render('profile',{page_title:"My Profile",data:rows,message: messages});

Answer №1

The solution has been discovered.

const data = {
  response : "Password Changed Successfully",
  messageType : "successMessage"
res.render('profile',{page_title:"My Profile",data:rows,message: data });

Next, on the template side.

<% if (globalMessage) { %>
    <p class="alert <%= globalMessage.messageType %>" id="errorMessage">
       <%= globalMessage.response %>
<% } %>

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