Having issues with my JavaScript timer - seeking assistance in troubleshooting the problem

Trying to set a timer for my little game, but facing some difficulties.

The timer causes the balance to randomly increase from 0 to 13000 + some extra amount.

var coins = 0; var speed = 1;
    Coins Per Second:
    <script type="text/javascript">
  <p id="coinspersecond">Coins: 0</p>
<button onclick="minecoins()"><img src="kop.png" height=28 width=32>Mine Coins</button>
<button onclick="stop()"><img src="kop.png" height=28 width=32>Stop Mining Coins</button>

  function minecoins() {
    coins = coins + speed

  function update() {
    document.getElementById('coinspersecond').innerHTML = "Coins: " + coins;
    setTimeout(update, 3000)

  function stop() {


Answer №1

The `RangeError` you are encountering is due to the continuous loop between `minebtc`, `update`, and `minebtc`. This prevents other code from running, leading to an overflow. A simple solution is to call `minebtc` with a 0ms timer, allowing for interleaving of other events.

var satoshi = 0; var hash = 1;
    Hashs Per Second:
    <script type="text/javascript">
  <p id="cookiespersecond">Satoshis: 0</p>
<button onclick="minebtc()"><img src="kop.png" height=28 width=32>Mine BTC</button>
<button onclick="stop()"><img src="kop.png" height=28 width=32>Stop Mining BTC</button>


function minebtc() {
  satoshi = satoshi + hash;
  setTimeout(update, 3000);

function update() {
  document.getElementById('cookiespersecond').innerHTML = "Satoshis: " + satoshi;
  setTimeout(minebtc, 0)

  function stop() {


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