Inability to input text into a textbox with AngularJS

I am currently working on developing an AngularJS app. I have encountered a problem where I am unable to input text into a textbox.

The issue lies with my zoomService which handles zoom increments and decrements. While the user can zoom using a slider and buttons, the functionality seems to be broken for the textbox input.

Below is the code snippet:

"use strict";

app.service("zoomService", ["$rootScope", function ($rootScope) {
    // Service implementation goes here

app.controller("StartController", ["$scope", "zoomService", function($scope, zoomService) {
    // Controller implementation goes here
<div data-ng-show=" !== null" class="zoom top-right">
        <form name="zoomForm" data-ng-init="setFormScope(this)">
            <img src="/styles/images/16x16/FI_Verkleinern.png" data-ng-click="zoom.decrement()" alt="Zoom -" title="Zoom -" />
            <input class="slider" type="range" min="{{}}" max="{{}}" data-ng-model="" />
            <img src="/styles/images/16x16/FI_Vergroessern.png" data-ng-click="zoom.increment()" alt="Zoom +" title="Zoom +"/>
            <input name="directZoom" type="text" data-ng-minlength="2" data-ng-maxlength="3" data-ng-pattern="/^[0-9]{2,3}$/" data-ng-model="" data-ng-model-options="{updateOn: 'blur'}" data-ng-keyup="cancel($event)" />

If anyone has any insights or suggestions on how to resolve this issue with the textbox input, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

If you're experiencing a situation where your key down events are being consumed by a parent element (such as md-select), there's a simple solution to regain control. Add

to the input tag to stop the event from bubbling up to the parent element.

Here's an example:

<input type="text" ng-model="" ... onkeydown="event.stopPropagation()" />

If this doesn't solve the issue, investigate other parts of your code that may be using preventDefault() on keydown events.

Additionally, it's worth checking for any logic in your application that might be reverting the model value back to its initial state when typing. Look out for ng-change or $watch events that could be causing this behavior, although using {updateOn: 'blur'} should typically prevent this from happening.

Answer №2

Once the user finishes

ng-model-options={updateOn: 'blur'}

typing in the input field, the value will be updated. If you delete this code, the update happens instantly. You can see an example of this behavior here,js,output

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