In which situations is it appropriate to utilize + and > within CSS?

Although it may seem like a simple question, I still find myself puzzled about the usage of + or > in CSS.

I often come across selectors such as li > a or div + span, but I'm unsure of the distinctions between them and when to apply each one?

Answer №1

When you see the > sign, it means to select a direct descendant

For instance:


div > ul {
   list-style: none;

HTML This style would target the <ul> element inside the <div>


On the other hand, the + sign indicates selecting an adjacent sibling

For example:


p + p
   font-weight: bold;

HTML In this case, the style will be applied to the second <p> tag


Answer №2

Learn more about selectors in the W3 CSS spec, or continue reading for a summary:

Selection of Immediate Child

The > selector is used to target the immediate child element. In the example li > a, any <a> tag that is directly nested inside an <li> element will be selected.

For instance, this anchor element would be chosen:

   <li><a href="#">An anchor</a></li>

Adjacent Sibling Selection

The + selector represents the adjacent sibling relationship. In the case of div + span, any <span> element immediately following a <div> within the same parent container will match the rule.

Here's an example where the span element would be targeted:

   <div>A preceding div element</div>
   <span>This span would be selected</span>

Answer №3

The > is a special selector known as the direct child selector. For instance, when you use li > a, it will specifically target <a> tags that are immediate children of the <li> element.

On the other hand, the + symbol is used to select siblings of the elements you've previously chosen. So, for example, in div + span, it would pick any <span>s that come right after a <div> (given they share the same parent).

Answer №4

li > a specifically targets a elements that are direct children of li elements. On the other hand, div + span selects span elements that come right after a div element.

To explore further, check out the link shared by @bažmegakapa:

Answer №5

I'm not entirely certain about the use of the + symbol, but in CSS, the > symbol signifies a direct child of an element. Take a look at this example:

div > h1 { color: red; }

This code will apply styles to all h1 tags that are direct children of a div.


In this scenario, the first h1 tag would remain unchanged, while the second h1 tag, being a direct child of the div element, would appear in red text.

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