In jQuery, turn off the hover function while the animation is in progress

I've implemented this jQuery animation:

          $('.menu1').stop().animate({left: "29%", top: '2%', width:'40%', fontSize: '60%'}, 3000);
          $('.menu2').stop().animate({left: "44%", top: '2%', width:'40%', fontSize: '60%'}, 3000);
          $('.menu3').stop().animate({left: "59%", top: '2%',width:'40%', fontSize: '60%'}, 3000);
          $('.menu4').stop().animate({left: "74%", top: '2%', width:'40%', fontSize: '60%'}, 3000);
          $('.menu1').find('.img1').attr("src", "images/botom1.png");
           $('.csoon').fadeToggle( 6000 );

Additionally, here's the hover function:

              $('.menu1').stop(true, true).css('font-size','+=5%');
        }, function(){
            $('.menu1').stop(true, true).css('font-size','-=5%');

A challenge arises when hovering during the animation, causing font-size changes. Is there a way to disable this?

View the code in JSFiddle:

Answer №1

Utilize the unbind() method

$('.menu1').stop().animate({left: "29%", top: '2%', width:'40%', fontSize: '60%'}, 3000);
          $('.menu2').stop().animate({left: "44%", top: '2%', width:'40%', fontSize: '60%'}, 3000);
          $('.menu3').stop().animate({left: "59%", top: '2%',width:'40%', fontSize: '60%'}, 3000);
          $('.menu4').stop().animate({left: "74%", top: '2%', width:'40%', fontSize: '60%'}, 3000);
          $('.menu1').find('.img1').attr("src", "images/botom1.png");
           $('.csoon').fadeToggle( 6000 );

              $('.menu1').stop(true, true).css('font-size','+=5%');
        }, function(){
            $('.menu1').stop(true, true).css('font-size','-=5%');

Alternatively, incorporate a flag

var animating = false;
$('.menu1').hover(function() {
    if (!animating) {
        $('.menu1').stop(true, true).css('font-size', '+=5%');
}, function() {
    if (!animating) {
        $('.menu1').stop(true, true).css('font-size', '-=5%');
animating = true;
    left: "29%",
    top: '2%',
    width: '40%',
    fontSize: '60%'
}, 3000);
    left: "44%",
    top: '2%',
    width: '40%',
    fontSize: '60%'
}, 3000);
    left: "59%",
    top: '2%',
    width: '40%',
    fontSize: '60%'
}, 3000);
    left: "74%",
    top: '2%',
    width: '40%',
    fontSize: '60%'
}, 3000);
$('.menu1').find('.img1').attr("src", "images/botom1.png");
animating = false;

Answer №2

One way to handle this situation is by utilizing a flag variable

$('.menu1').stop().data('my-animation', true).animate({
    left: "29%",
    top: '2%',
    width: '40%',
    fontSize: '60%'
}, 3000, function () {
    $(this).data('my-animation', false)


$('.menu1').hover(function (e) {
    if (!$(this).data('my-animation')) {
        $('.menu1').stop(true, true).css('font-size', e.type == 'mouseenter' ? '+=5%' : '-=5%');

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