In a Twitter Bootstrap environment, the button cursor transforms into an I-beam when activated

After utilizing twitter bootstrap to construct a small blog site and integrating a third-party file upload application into the project, I encountered an issue. The CSS files in the file uploader style the "upload button," but when my cursor hovers over it, instead of displaying a hand cursor, it appears as an I beam. Additionally, the hand cursor is visible on the entire row of the upload button except for directly over the button itself.

This problem only occurs with the third-party app integrated – no such issue exists with the regular twitter bootstrap buttons. Attempts to modify the cursor parameters have been unsuccessful so far. Below, you can find some relevant code snippets:

In the HTML:

<div id="file-uploader"></div>

CSS code snippet:

.qq-uploader { 
  width: 100%; 
  cursor: pointer;

.qq-upload-button {
  // styles here
// more CSS styles...

The necessary JavaScript can be found at this link ( - perhaps this could provide insight into resolving the issue.

Any tips or guidance on how to solve this problem would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

To ensure the original cursor is displayed, you can forcefully apply it using !important in your CSS or override it in your global stylesheet.

It appears that the issue might be coming from injected JS since the previous .qq-upload-button also has cursor styles defined.

.qq-upload-button-hover {background:#0055cc;cursor: default;}
.qq-upload-button-focus {outline:1px dotted black;cursor: default;}

I hope this guidance points you in the right direction...

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