Improving the touch responsiveness of my website's navigation menu (drop-down style)

I am currently developing a small website that includes a simple drop down menu feature. When using a desktop, hovering over an item triggers the drop down list, which is straightforward. However, on touch screens, this functionality is not working properly. I can click on an item to generate the drop down, but I am unable to close it by clicking on the parent menu item.

Unfortunately, I lack expertise in JavaScript, so I am having trouble implementing the solutions I have come across on this platform.

Here is my website on jsfiddle:

You can also view a live version at:

The code is quite lengthy...


  <div id="wrapper">
  </div><!-- wrapper -->



/* CSS styles */

/* CSS styles continued */

/* Additional CSS styles */


$('.hamburger').on('click', function(e) {
  // Prevent link from jumping to the top of the page
  // Toggle slide down effect for the menu

document.addEventListener('touchmove', function(e) {
    var touch = e.touches[0];
    alert(touch.pageX + " - " + touch.pageY);
}, false);

Answer №1

Instead of using the touchend listener type specifically for the menu items, you have mistakenly applied the touchmove listener type to the entire page.

$('.menu li').addEventListener('touchend', function(e){

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