Improving Consistency: Achieving a Uniform a:hover Effect for Links Listed in Lists

One issue I'm having is with creating a list of links and styling them with a:hover. The problem arises when the list has a defined width wider than the links themselves, causing the LIs to change color before the As on hover. It creates a messy appearance.

Take a look here for an example

It seems like the A & the LI act as separate elements, triggering at different times.

Adding display:block to the A styling results in strange display issues in Firefox and only a slight improvement in other browsers, not solving the problem completely.

I experimented with changing the list-style-type to none and using :before bullet entity on the LIs instead:

Here is another approach that worked better in Safari and Firefox

However, this solution may not be supported in all browsers and feels somewhat rough/messy. Does anyone know a more reliable method to achieve this effect, or should I stick with the second JSfiddle approach of list-style-none and bullet :before? Thanks!

Answer №1

To customize the appearance of a link, try using li:hover a instead of just a:hover. Here's an example:

Note: Make sure to remove any unnecessary code when providing examples.

Answer №2

I suggest removing the display:block property from your <a> tag. Here is an example:

Take a look at this

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