Implementing various style guidelines for distinct elements

Currently, I am struggling with organizing my unordered list elements to be stacked side by side. The style rule I have been using is as follows:

#slide ul,li{

Now, I am attempting to introduce another unordered list that should stack on top of each other without any list-style-type. To accomplish this, I have implemented the following code:

.stack ul,li{

Unfortunately, the styles applied to the "stack" class for ul and li elements are not taking effect. Instead, the elements continue to stack next to each other like they do in the case of ul and li under #slide.

If you'd like to see it in action, check out this example on jsFiddle:

Could it be that my selectors are incorrect?

P.S: I have experimented with both classes and IDs, trying different combinations of both, but unfortunately, the result remains the same.

Answer №1

To avoid applying float left to all li elements, you should adjust your selector. Here is a revised example for you:

<ul class="stack">
<li>element 1</li>
<li>element  2</li>
<ul id="slide">
<li>element 3</li>
<li>element  4</li>

#slide li{

This CSS code will ensure that only list elements within the 'slide' div are displayed in a row, while all other list elements will maintain their original display style. This method eliminates the need for separate classes, streamlining your styling process.

Answer №2

Make sure to style your CSS as follows:

ul.stack li {
  display: block;
ul#slide li {
  float: left;

Answer №3

Perhaps you are looking for the following code:

ul.stack li{
ul#slide li{

Pay attention to the selectors. This code targets a ul with the class stack (ul.stack) and selects its child elements, li.

Answer №4

Your selector is causing an issue. Class or id of the same element should never be separated by a white space. They should be together with no space, and child elements should be separated by a space but not a ','. You can update your code like this:

ul.stack li{
display: block;
ul#slide li{
float: left;

Make sure to follow the correct order of HTML tag name first and then the preceding attribute.

Answer №5

The issue arises from incorrectly selecting the ul that is a descendant of slide, when in fact your ul has an id of slide. This means that there is no ul with a container having an id of slide, which results in it not functioning as expected. Moreover, by including ,li, you are targeting all list items on the webpage. Instead, you should use #slide li to specifically target list items within a container with an id of slide. There is no need for #slide ul, so your updated code should look like this:

#slide li {

Alternatively, you could utilize ul:nth-of-type(2) instead of an id to optimize space in the HTML code

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