Implementing the React Router into a ReactJS project: Methods to prevent users from clicking on links within React-Router's <Link> component

I'm exploring React-Router's Link and have set up the following:

<Link to={...}>{ "Live": "Not Live"}</Link>

In this configuration, if is present, I want to display the text "Live" which will lead to a new page. However, if is not passed in, I aim to show the text "Not Live" but without an active hyperlink attached. Is there a way to achieve this effect? I attempted using

<div style={{pointerEvents: "none"}}>Not Live</div>
, but it did not yield the desired outcome.

If you have any insights or solutions to this problem, please share them with me. Your help is greatly appreciated, and I will be sure to upvote and accept the answer that best addresses this issue. Thank you!

Answer №1

Here is a suggestion for you:

let element;

element = ? <Link to={...}> Live </Link> : <div> Not Live </div>
 render() {

Cheers and happy coding!

Answer №2

    ? <Link to={...}> Watch now Live </Link>
    : <div> Currently offline </div>

Answer №3

To prevent the page from redirecting, you can use evt.preventDefault()

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.handleLinkClick = this.handleLinkClick.bind(this);
  handleLinkClick(evt) {
    if (! {
      evt.preventDefault(); // stops redirection
  render() {
    <Link onClick={this.handleLinkClick} to={...}>
      { "Live": "Not Live"}

A shorter but debated version

<Link onClick={evt => ! && evt.preventDefault()} to={...}>
  { "Live": "Not Live"}

Refer to the API documentation

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