Implementing mouse hover functionality for fieldset in EXTJS

I am looking to enhance the following code snippet by adding a mouse hover event that changes the background color of the fieldset item and displays an image next to it. Can someone assist me with this modification?

 var mainGroup = {
                           xtype: 'fieldset',
                           margin: '0 40 0 40',
                           border: true,
                           title: '<html><h3>' + displayLabel + '</h3></html>',
                           defaults: {
                           anchor: '100%',
                           padding: 3,
                           width: '80%',
                           items: []

I would greatly appreciate any help with this matter.

Answer №1

Don't forget to include the following code in your fieldset configurations:

listeners: {
    render: function () {
        this.getEl().on('mouseover', function () {
            alert('Mouse over!'); 
            //add any desired logic here...

Consider using mouseenter if you want the logic to only trigger when the mouse enters the fieldset, rather than every time it moves even slightly within the area.

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