Implementing jQuery selector for CSS and properly handling special characters in the code

I've been attempting to use jQuery to change the background color of a radio button. I provided the CSS code below, but even after escaping special characters in jQuery as shown below, the solution still isn't working.

#opt5 > [type="radio"]:not(:checked) + label:before,
#opt5 > [type="radio"]:checked + label:before {
    background: #F7DC6F;

$("\\#opt6 \\> \\[type\\=\\'radio\\'\\]\\:not\\(\\:checked\\) \\+ label\\:before").css({ "background": "red" });
$("\\#opt6 \\> \\[type\\=\\'radio\\'\\]\\:checked \\+ label\\:before").css({ "background": "red" });

Answer №1

The essence of the issue lies not in the selector syntax, but rather in jQuery's selector engine being tailored to support CSS selectors right off the bat (albeit to a certain extent). By escaping it, you are essentially depriving the selector of its intended purpose and inadvertently transforming it into something entirely different from what was initially anticipated.

This predicament is mainly attributable to the inherent limitation that jQuery cannot pinpoint pseudo-elements. Fortunately, there exist several viable solutions outlined in the provided link, with my personal recommendation tilting towards the utilization of class names as an alternative approach.

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