Implementing icon display upon click in a Meteor application

Currently, I am in the process of developing an application using meteor and within one of the templates, I have the following code snippet.

     <a class="viewed" href="/jobdetails/{{_id}}">{{title}}</a>
   <span class="job-type part-time">Part Time</span> 

<div id="eyeIcon">
  <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open" style="color:green"></span>    

I am aiming to show the glyphicon eye icon when a user clicks on the href tag and then store this information into a collection. As I am relatively unfamiliar with meteor, I am seeking guidance on how to achieve this functionality using Meteor. Any assistance on the steps to accomplish this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

     <a class="viewed" href="/jobdetails/{{_id}}">{{title}}</a>
   <span class="job-type part-time">Part Time</span> 

<div id="eyeIcon">
  <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open" style="color:green"></span>    

  'showIcon':  function() {
    return Session.get('showIcon');
  'click .viewed': function(event, instance) {
    Session.set('showIcon', true);

Kindly keep in mind that the use of session is to maintain your data across the app. If you wish for this data to persist permanently, consider using collections.

In addition, if you want to ensure the value remains even after a page refresh, you may utilize Session.setPersistent ( instead of Session.set

Answer №2

To begin, ensure that your #eyeIcon div is initially hidden. You can achieve this by including the following code in your /client/main.css:

#eyeIcon {
  display: none;

Next, utilize the Blaze Template event system to reveal the div when the link is clicked. Modify your Template as shown below:{
  'click .viewed'(event, instance) {

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