Implementing full-width responsive background images with srcset and lazy loading for optimal performance

I'm currently developing a website with a striking layout featuring 'hero' panels that cascade down the home page, showcasing text overlaid on captivating background images.

My goal is to utilize inline images with srcset and sizes attributes in order for the browser to select the most suitable image based on screen size rather than simply inserting the largest image possible as a background-image and scaling it down for smaller screens.

At this point, here's what my code looks like:

  srcset="/img/trekking_320.jpg 320w,
          /img/trekking_480.jpg 480w,
          /img/trekking_600.jpg 600w,
          /img/trekking_768.jpg 768w,
          /img/trekking_960.jpg 960w" 

along with CSS:

img {
  position: absolute;
  height: 100%; width: auto;

with overflow:hidden set on the container element.

The image heights range from 320px to 768px, then 480px up to 960px, followed by a max-height of 600px beyond that.

I've prepared a Codepen demonstration to showcase the issue. While everything functions smoothly on high-resolution screens across various devices (mobile, tablet, laptop) and even on standard dpi displays up to 768px wide, there seems to be an issue with the images not filling the screen past that point.

Given the circumstances, I'm left pondering if it's feasible to achieve all the mentioned requirements outlined in the title. Am I heading in the right direction, or should I explore an entirely different approach?

Answer №1

Avoid misusing <img /> tags for background images and instead utilize CSS background-image (along with background-size: cover or fill for a responsive appearance). Employ the image-set function to define various images for different device screen resolutions:

As of August 2021, note that image-set is unsupported by Firefox/Gecko, Internet Explorer, and Edge - exclusively compatible with WebKit-based browsers like Chrome, Safari, and Opera. More details can be found at:

body {
    background-image: -webkit-image-set(
        url('path/to/image') 1x,
        url('path/to/high-res-image') 2x,
    background-size: cover;

Answer №2

After struggling with this issue myself, I was surprised to discover that even in the year 2024, there is still no straightforward solution for serving smaller background images on smaller screens. While the image-set property is a step in the right direction, it falls short due to its limitation to the pixel density descriptor (x) and lack of awareness of the screen's width (unlike the <img> srcset w descriptor). Inline media queries in an element's style attribute are not possible either. Resorting to an absolutely positioned <img> or <picture> for a background image can be cumbersome and make it challenging to cover a resizable box effectively. The workaround I've devised involves generating a separate <style> block for the desired <header>:

def banner_background(page, widths=[1200,800], switch=900, ratio=2.33)
    banner = page.images.banner.first
    style = ""
    if banner.present?
        style += "article > header {"
        style += "background-image: url(\"#{url_for(banner.image_file.variant(resize_to_fill: [widths[0], widths[0]/ratio]))}\");"
        style += "} @media (max-width: #{switch}px) { article > header {"
        style += "background-image: url(\"#{url_for(banner.image_file.variant(resize_to_fill: [widths[1], widths[1]/ratio]))}\");"
        style += "}}"
<style><%= banner_background(page) %></style>

While this approach may seem awkward, it does offer a significant advantage over other methods - it works efficiently and reduces the download size for my header backgrounds by half, saving about 60 kB per image. Although plans for w and h support in image-set are in place, until widespread adoption, we're left grappling with workarounds like this one. If anyone has a better suggestion, I'm all ears!

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