Implementing a Tri-state Checkbox in AngularJS

I've come across various discussions on implementing a 3-state checkbox with a directive or using CSS tricks (such as setting 'indeterminate=true' which doesn't seem to work).

However, I'm curious if there's another method to create a 3-state checkbox for three different values (true, false, and null).

The visual representation of the 3 states would be:

  1. Checked
  2. Unchecked (blank)
  3. Indeterminate (fully colored or something similar)

Answer №1

To display a checkbox in an indeterminate state, utilize the ng-prop-indeterminate directive to establish the indeterminate property of the checkbox.

Experience the DEMO

<script src="//"></script>
<body ng-app>
    <input type="checkbox"
    The Check Box<br>
    <input type="checkbox" ng-model="checkState">CheckState={{checkState}}<br>
    <input type="checkbox" ng-model="triState">TriState={{triState}}<br>

If you need more information, please refer to:

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