Implementing a Moving Background Image with CSS3 or jQuery

I am facing an issue with a background image that has a file size of 4+ MB in PNG format. My website is a single page website and I want to use this background image, but I'm unsure how to go about it.

Is there a way to reduce the size of the image so that the webpage loads faster? Or perhaps there is a CSS3 technique that allows me to load images as the page is scrolled down?

Here is the link to the image I wish to use as a background on my webpage:

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

One option is to utilize the lazy load plugin available at this link. However, if you prefer a DIY approach, you can achieve image loading by applying a CSS class once the image comes into view.

A helpful resource for implementing this technique is discussed in this particular thread. You can follow these steps:

function isElementInViewport(el) {
    var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();

    return ( >= 0 && rect.left >= 0 && rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && /*or $(window).height() */
    rect.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth) /*or $(window).width() */ );

var yourImage = $('#yourImage').get(0);


In your CSS file, set the background only when the loadImage class is present:


    background: url(path/to/yourImage.jpg) no-repeat center;

Answer №2

Research more about parallax scrolling before diving into your project. Make sure to also check out this sample link.


//here's the code snippet
$(this).click(function() {
    $("#nav li a").removeClass("active");
    $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: targetOffset}, 1000);
    return false;

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