"Implemented a user-friendly header and footer that stick to the top and

My goal is to create a fixed header and footer, allowing the main content to scroll underneath while keeping the right navigation in place.

To achieve this effect, I've been experimenting with different solutions. One of my attempts can be viewed here: http://jsfiddle.net/sjUBQ/. However, in order to show a scrollbar, I had to set a fixed height for the main content section using CSS.

I also tried incorporating jQuery code into the mix:

$(document).ready(function() {
  var desiredHeight = $("body").height() - $("head").height() - $("footer").height();
  $(".yui3-u-3-5").css("min-height", desiredHeight );

Unfortunately, this solution did not work as expected. Can anyone guide me on how to achieve a sticky header and footer setup while ensuring that the inner div displays a scrollbar when the content exceeds the browser window height?

Answer №1

Does this match the concept you have in mind? Check it out here

You can experiment by adjusting the height of the lower right pane to see if it functions as desired. I believe using position: fixed; for your header and footer is crucial (assuming I understand your objective correctly). It would also be beneficial to set top and bottom margins on the main div equal to the heights of the header and footer respectively.

UPDATE: I added "BEGIN" and "END" in the Lorem Ipsum text to ensure visibility of all content.

UPDATE #2: Revised jsFiddle link: Latest version available here

UPDATE #3: To summarize, the following jQuery code should meet your needs:

var headerHeight = $('#head').height(),
    footerOffset = $('#footer').offset().top,
    desiredHeight = footerOffset - headerHeight;

$('.yui3-u-3-5').css('height', desiredHeight);

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