Showing no background color until the user lifts their finger

I am currently in the process of developing a website. The navigation on the website starts off as transparent (background: transparent) when opened, but as soon as you start scrolling, it should transition to a colorful state with shades like grey, midnight blue, or similar colors. At the bottom of the page, there is a div which, upon scrolling all the way down, the navigation disappears using display:none. However, if you scroll back up slightly, it should reappear with display:block. This functionality seems to work well, except for a minor issue experienced specifically on iPad (although not tested on other touchscreen devices).

The problem arises when I scroll down to the bottom of the page and then attempt to scroll back up. In this scenario, the navigation bar does reappear, but without retaining its background-color until I release my finger from the screen. Quite strange, isn't it?

I hope these descriptions make sense. For visual representation, please refer to the following images:

While scrolling back up, the navigation bar should have a defined background-color, yet while holding onto the screen, it remains transparent as depicted.

Upon reaching the bottom of the page, the menu successfully disappears, which is the expected behavior.

This situation should occur when scrolling upwards enough; however, it fails to function correctly if continuous scrolling (holding) is ongoing.

For further details, view the JSFiddle demo... The CSS content exceeds 1500 lines, where an essential snippet is

#main-header {
    position: fixed;
    z-index: 100;
} <- Visit JS fiddle for demonstration NOTE Complexity due to extensive code and JS focus!

Don't forget to check out the operational website:

A secondary note to mention

  $(window).on('load scroll resize orientationchange', function () {
      var my_height = $("#full_contact").height();
      var important = $(document).height();
      var final = important - my_height;
    if ($(window).scrollTop() < final) { 
        $('#main-header').css("display", "block");
        $('#main-header').css("background-color", "#34495e");

        $('#main-header').css("display", "none");

This script represents the core mechanism behind the disappearing navigation at the bottom feature.

To sum it up succinctly, my primary query is...

"Why does the navigation appear with display:block;, but without the background color until I release my finger?"

Your prompt assistance in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated as I am urgently seeking a solution.

Please feel free to provide any suggestions or guidance.

Thank you very much!

Answer №1

Take a look at this article. I encountered a similar problem with a scrollToTop button. It dawned on me that iOS exhibits peculiar behavior when it comes to triggering scroll events and executing JavaScript while scrolling (though this may not be your specific scenario). Hopefully, this information sheds some light on the issue.

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