Images within links appear with blue lines underneath them

Currently, I am in the process of adding links to a footer by using <img> tags with SVG images. However, I am encountering an issue where there are small blue lines under the icons. After searching online, it seems that you need to add this CSS code:

.icon {
  width: 3%;
  height: 3%;
  text-decoration: none;
  outline: none;
          <a href="">
          <img src="images/github.svg" class="icon">
        <li><a href="">
        <img src="images/linkedin-logo.svg" class="icon">
        <li><a href="files/--.pdf">
        <img src="images/home.svg" class="icon">

I am unsure about what else can be added to resolve these faint lines! Any suggestions?

An image illustrating the issue can be found here.

Answer №1

Default settings include underlined links.

To remove the underline, apply text-decoration: none to the links, not the images within them.

a { text-decoration: none; }

Note: It's not recommended to globally eliminate link markers. It's better to use a more targeted selector specifically for image links.

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