Images in a horizontal dropdown selection menu

Currently, I have a traditional select dropdown that is data-bound with Angular.

<select class="form-control" ng-model="category">
   <option value="work">Work</option>
   <option value="home">Home</option>
   <option value="practical">Practical</option>
   <option value="no">No category</option>

My goal is to transform the dropdown options into horizontal images rather than vertical text. Here is what I envision:


work image - home image - practical image

I have experimented with using display: inline-blocks, floats, and even contemplated using radio buttons based on a related Stack Overflow question. As I am in the process of learning Angular, I would prefer to avoid the use of JQuery. Thank you for your help.

Answer №1

There are constraints regarding how you can customize selects. Your options include choosing from among the various customizable select plugins available or creating your own solution, like this:

<div ng-app="app">
    <div ng-controller="ctrlr">
        <span ng-repeat="entry in categories">
            <img ng-click="setCategory(entry)" ng-src="{{entry.src}}">
        <div>Selected = {{category}}</div>

    angular.module('app', []);
    angular.module('app').controller('ctrlr', function ($scope) {
        $scope.categories = [
                code: 'work',
                src: 'Work.png'
                code: 'home',
                src: 'Home.png'
                code: 'practical',
                src: 'Practical.png'
                code: 'no',
                src: 'No category.png'

        $scope.setCategory = function (entry) {
            $scope.category = entry.code;

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