Image loading in NextJS is limited to only Firefox browsers

Images are loading only in Firefox and not anywhere else.

Here is the import statement:

import gradient from '../public/mountains/gradient.svg'

And here is the Image component:

<div id='gradient' className={`${styles.bgimage} ${styles.gradient}`}><Image src={gradient}></Image></div>

When inspected in Firefox devtools, it shows this:

However, when inspected in Chrome devtools, it shows this:

An interesting observation is that clicking on the link under "Current source:" in Chrome's devtools displays the image correctly. Additionally, images in the footer load properly as well.

I attempted using both the img tag and background-image, but both resulted in a "404 Not Found" error message. I am unsure of what mistake I may be making.

Answer №1

Thankfully, my buddy was able to resolve the issue at hand. It turns out that I mistakenly converted the PNG file to an SVG format, which caused the problem. Once I reverted it back to its original PNG state, everything was sorted out.

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