I'm struggling to set up the PDF with Page Print

Struggling to create a report with HTML and CSS that appears the same in PDF form?

Here's how my page appeared:

![enter image description here][1]

Unfortunately, the PDF version looked different from the HTML:

I attempted to apply the following styles:

      page {
        background: white;
        display: block;
        margin: 0 auto;
        margin-bottom: 0.5cm;
        box-shadow: 0 0 0.5cm rgba(0,0,0,0.5);

        page[size="A4"] {
            width: 12cm;
            height: 100%;

            page[size="A4"][layout="landscape"] {
                width: 29.7cm;
                /*height: 21cm;*/


Here is a snippet of the HTML:

<page size="A4">
   // The rest of the code goes here

Despite my efforts and extensive research, the final result did not match my expectations: https://i.sstatic.net/NHhCx.png

Answer №1

A standard A4 page has a width of 21cm (210mm), set in portrait orientation by default.
It is unnecessary to specify the size as A4 if it is not required:

page {
  width: 12cm;
  // ...

Therefore, the removal of [size="A4"].

For more information, visit: CSS page size at MDN

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