I'm looking to add CSS transitions, like fade-ins, to a list of items in React in a way that the animations occur one after the other upon rendering. How can this be achieved?

I've scoured the depths of Stack Overflow and combed through countless pages on the internet in search of an answer to my query, but alas, I have not found a solution. So, my apologies if this question is a duplicate.

Here's my conundrum:


How can I implement CSS transitions on a list of elements, individually and sequentially, only when the page loads in React?

I managed to utilize ReactCSSTransitionGroup, which works well, but it applies the transition simultaneously to the entire list.


<ul className="item-list">
  <ReactCSSTransitionGroup transitionName="fade" transitionAppear={true}
    {props.items.map((item, i) => (<li><someComponent/></li>)}


  opacity: 0;    
  opacity: 1;
  transition: opacity 500ms ease-out;    

Just to reiterate, I am looking to apply the above transition to each item in the list consecutively.

Answer №1

The impact is commonly known as "staggered," "cascading," or "sequenced."

Instead of relying on ReactCSSTransitionGroup, you can achieve this mostly through CSS.

To begin, consider animating your cards using the animation property and @keyframes rather than the transition property. You can start by adding something like this to your CSS:


@keyframes fadeIn {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;

  100% {
    opacity: 1;


The solution involves setting an animation CSS style on each list item and utilizing the item index as a multiplier for a specific delay value.

Start by creating an array of objects named items, with each object containing a title and a text field (primarily needed for mapping in the example).

Create constants to represent the numerical values for the animation, such as duration and delay:

const duration = 1000; // ms
const delay = 500; // ms

Develop a template that generates a formatted string as the value for each transition element's animation CSS property:

const animStr = (i) => `fadeIn ${duration}ms ease-out ${delay * i}ms forwards`;

Map the data during rendering, and apply the CSS animation style based on the index value (i) using animStr:

{items.map((item, i) => (
  <li key={i} style={{ animation: animStr(i) }}>
    <SomeComponent item={item} />

The animation will activate once the element is added to the DOM (as per the CSS animation spec). The syntax follows the CSS animation shorthand. Note that the default behavior is to run the animation once. Including forwards retains the properties of the last keyframe when the animation stops (fully visible).

Edit: To improve visual appeal, consider starting the delay index at 1 instead of 0. Adjust the animation value accordingly:

`fadeIn ${duration}ms ease-out ${delay * (i + 1)}ms forwards`

Working CodeSandbox

Check out the working codesandbox.

Screen Recording

This showcases how the code above appears in action, captured via a screen recording of the page reloading on CodeSandbox.


Answer №2

There is an alternative approach to resolving this issue by incorporating a library. The following libraries are capable of achieving the desired effect along with additional functionalities:



Answer №3

If you are dedicated to implementing ReactCSSTransitionGroup, one solution is to include a custom transition-delay property on each item, modeled after the approach outlined in another response.

const delay = 500;

You can then proceed as follows:

{props.items.map((item, i) => (
  <li style={{ transitionDelay: `${delay * i}ms` }}>
    <SomeComponent item={item} />

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