I'm looking for the location of Angular Materials' CSS directives. Where can I find them?

Currently, I am using components from https://material.angularjs.org/latest/ for a searcher project.

One specific component I am working with is the md-datepicker, and I would like to implement some custom styles on it such as changing the background color to white and adjusting its size.

To see an example of the md-datepicker in action, you can visit this link: https://material.angularjs.org/latest/demo/datepicker

In addition, I am looking to customize the appearance further by removing the arrow selector and image, potentially through the use of 'display:none' styling. Unfortunately, my search for this information in the official documentation repository did not yield the desired results.

Answer №1

Have you attempted this method?

.md-datepicker-triangle-button {
    visibility: hidden;

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