I'm having trouble locating the unique CSS for the Squarespace collection page that I want to modify

I am in the process of creating a website using Squarespace () and I have been adding custom code to style it according to my preferences. However, I am facing an issue with the 'collection' page (which is a gallery) as it is not displaying correctly compared to other pages like the Contact page. I am struggling to find a solution to make it consistent with the rest of the site.

If anyone could kindly use Inspect Code or any similar tool to provide suggestions, I would be extremely grateful for your assistance.

Below is the current CSS that I have customized:

/* Custom Home Background */

/* Styling for header div top */
.transparent-header.view-list .banner-thumbnail-wrapper, .transparent-header.collection-type-page .banner-thumbnail-wrapper {
padding: 180px 0 155px;
height: 50px

/* Design for Gallery and Contact page headers */
body:not(.has-banner-image).transparent-header #header, .collection-type-gallery.has-banner-image.transparent-header #header {
 background-color: #3f3131;
 background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,  rgba(63,49,49,1) 0%, rgba(255,255,255,0) 100%); /* FF3.6+ */

Answer №1

Make sure to add the code background-attachment:fixed; at the end of the #siteWrapper id.

This will ensure that the background image behaves in the same way as on the homepage.

UPDATE: To achieve a look similar to the Contact page, more changes are needed. Follow these steps:

In the #page id, either comment out or remove max-width:1020px.

Then, include the following code in #content:

margin:0 auto;

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