Tips for Ensuring Element Width is Maintained Despite Border

My webpage layout is using the fantastic Twitter Bootstrap framework and I am trying to add a stylish CSS3 Box Shadow effect to a column.

However, I have encountered an issue where the box shadow's 1px border is causing my second column to wrap onto the next line. Removing the border solves the problem, but I prefer the look with the border included.

I have tried adjusting the column width by subtracting 2px to achieve the desired alignment. Unfortunately, this approach conflicts with Bootstrap's fluid layout concept which uses percentages rather than pixels for sizing.

I find it frustrating that borders extend beyond an element's actual width. Is there a solution that would allow my <div> to maintain its width while including borders?

Answer №1

To achieve a border that is included inside the box, you can use the following CSS properties:

-webkit-box-sizing: border-box; 
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box; 

By applying these styles, the border's width will be factored into the overall size of the element.

For a visual example, consider two divs each with dimensions of 100x100 and a 20px border. One div utilizes 'box-sizing', while the other does not. See the comparison here:

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